Just in case you weren't aware, Google has more money than you and I will probably ever see in our lifetime, and now it seems that the search giant will be spending that money sending satellites into ...
Facebook will let you do pretty much anything via a text message, but unless you still have a flip phone, it's more of a novelty than actually useful.However, one thing that would be useful for smartp ...
For $100 each year (unless you used Faisal's workaround to save yourself twenty bucks), Amazon Prime membership gives you access to all the best that Amazon has to offer. From free 2-day shipping to P ...
While FIFA may be one of the most corrupt organizations in the world (depending on who you talk to), that won't stop millions of us from tuning in this Thursday, June 12th, to watch the first game of ...
In a era where cyber security is becoming increasingly important, Comcast has decided to use its customers' routers to provide hotspot access to the public. A new program, outlined by Dwight Silverman ...
E3, or the Electronic Entertainment Expo, is the 20th annual trade show for video games and gaming tech. The event takes place on Tuesday, June 10th at the Los Angeles Convention Center, and you can w ...
In a move that harkens back to the good old days of AOL Instant Messenger, Google has recently snuck a new feature into its Hangouts service.Apparently dubbed "Sketch a message!", this feature allows ...
Whether you're a celebrity or someone with something to hide, Facebook allows you to keep your "friends list" private so you can protect the identities of your Facebook friends. But it only kind of pr ...
Facebook is a black hole. The constant stream of baby photos, #hashtags, BuzzFeed quiz results, and unintelligible status updates is mind-numbing. I know too much about too many people I hardly know.P ...